My Story

Catherine Patricia Armitage — cancer survivor, health coach.


The day before my 26th birthday, I woke up with a lump at the base of my neck, over my left lymph node. At the time, I was feeling the healthiest I ever had & didn’t think it could be anything serious. A few weeks later, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL). I was told by my oncologist that there is no known cause for HL, it is not attributed to genetics or lifestyle factors. That statement left me feeling powerless. I immersed myself in research. What I discovered pointed to toxins & environmental exposures.

Although I was unaware at the time, my challenges with toxic overload began when I was a teenager. Symptoms of unrelenting fatigue & brain fog indicated something was wrong, but conventional medicine failed to uncover what. At the time, I could barely manage 4 waking hours a day. I had abnormal bloodwork, including elevated white blood cells. I developed a cardiac arrhythmia, my resting heart rate was rapid & irregular. I tested negative for mono, cardiac insufficiency, & cancer. Exhaustion loomed. Doctors continued to say “there’s nothing wrong,” and, as if I weren’t feeling defeated & vulnerable enough, “it’s all in your head.” Symptoms progressed further. I had neurological episodes, which presented as extreme cold, joint pain & tremors. It felt like my body was shutting down. Additional bloodwork showed severely elevated inflammatory markers. A Rheumatologist ruled out Lupus and a long list of other autoimmune diseases. After months of excluding possibilities, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS is an “invisible disease” & has no known treatment or cure. I was told to, “monitor energy expenditures wisely.” 

That was it. There was no conversation about root causes or how to heal. Not a single holistic investigation or approach was offered.

Symptoms remained systemic & unresolved. I made lifestyle changes where I could & with time began to manage. I got by for years, some periods better than others, never truly understanding that my body was crying out for help. At one point an allergist tested me for 125+ substances, which identified a newly developed nickel allergy. After a while, I also discovered that I suffered from soy intolerance, which had not previously been an issue either. Now, I understand these abnormal immune responses & loss of tolerance to environmental compounds were a clear indication of toxin overload. As years passed, no matter how clean I ate or how routinely I exercised, I was never in a true state of health because I wasn’t addressing the cause. I was left susceptible to carcinogens & eventually cancer cell growth.

While undergoing chemotherapy, I obtained a Detox Certification. My training led me to my healing path — Balance • Restore • Nourish • Thrive. By reestablishing environmental & physiological balance, restoring my innate detoxification pathways, and nourishing my body properly, I began thriving in health again.

I believe my experience has shown me my life’s purpose — educating & coaching others in Toxic-Free Living & Detoxification. I’m hopeful that my story can inspire you on your wellness journey. If you’re looking for guidance & accountability on your path, I’d be honored to partner with you in reaching your health goals. I can teach you to tune into your intuition, uncover your root causes, advocate for your individual needs, & truly heal. Let’s uncover your personalized solutions so you can Thrive too.