My Approach

Balance. Restore. Nourish. Thrive.


Wholistic individuality.

You are a unique individual, your approach to health & wellness should be too.

Health Coaching —

My role as a Health Coach is to guide, mentor, & empower you to determine your health goals & make sustainable adjustments. I will listen with care & intention as we navigate the often confusing world of nutrition & health to establish what truly works for you. Our partnership will provide ongoing support & motivation as you make small shifts towards improving your wellbeing & happiness.

Wholistically —

The guiding theory behind my approach is Bio-IINdividuality*, which states that each of us has unique lifestyle & nutrition needs. This theory explains that "one person’s food is another person’s poison", which is the reason fad diets tend to be unsuccessful long term. Utilizing the theory of bio-iindividuality* we will make positive alterations that accommodate your unique needs, lifestyle, & preferences.


My practice of wholistic health begins with Balance. All areas of your life are connected to overall wellbeing. Is chronic stress from your career, finances, or relationships causing unhealthy habits in the kitchen? Does fatigue or lack of adequate sleep prevent you from joyful daily movement? Our partnership will shine a light on the parts of your lifestyle that necessitate deeper consideration. You will discover how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole & how achieving balance in each elemental area will benefit you.

We'll start by defining what you value most from your wellbeing. These visions will be a roadmap to establish specific goals. As your partner, I will not dictate a particular plan for you. Instead we will co-create your road to success by exploring strategies & building reasonable, actionable objectives together. You will understand exactly what you are working towards.

One concept we will use to achieve balance is the process of Deconstructing Cravings***. Cravings should never be ignored, they convey a direct expression of what your body needs. You will learn to understand your cravings & their underlying significance. This crucial step will allow you to reclaim a sense of harmony & achieve balance.


Once we've identified which areas of your life lack balance we will begin to restore the scales. Successful restoration begins by understanding that the condition your health is presently in is a cumulative result of everything you consume. Consumption is often defined by what you eat, but in reality nutrition is secondary to the essential areas of life. Primary Foods* refer to forms of nourishment such as healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, & spiritual awareness. These areas of life affect our health daily & when satisfied leads to a sense of fulfillment, allowing what we eat to be considered secondary.

As we restore the primary food aspects of life, focusing on secondary food habits will feel easier. Many nutritionists give their clients lists of foods to eat & avoid, which leads to frustration. Instead, to address secondary foods, we will utilize a technique known as Crowding Out***. Crowding Out*** means slowly adding in more whole foods so you will have less room, & naturally decreased desire, for unhealthy options. This takes practice, but I will be here to encourage you along the way. As your coach, I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.


As you learned above, nourishment comes from many facets of life. Defining & then focusing your energy on the forms of nourishment that fulfill you, will allow you to cut back on what's not serving you -- the process of crowding out. This is useful in both primary & secondary food areas. The Integrative Nutrition Plate** is an important resource we will use to evaluate areas you can provide better nourishment for yourself. This tool focuses on the significance of local & organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, & water. It shows you how a plate should appear at mealtime & emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size. To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with the primary foods** that create optimal health: relationship, career, physical activity & spirituality. To further evaluate these lifestyle factors we will refer to The Circle Of Life**. The Circle Of Life**, is a valuable tool that brings attention to the specific places you are lacking satisfaction. You will learn more about The Circle Of Life** and how it will support you during your sessions.

Throughout our partnership, we will utilize The Integrative Nutrition Plate** & The Circle Of Life** to discover where we can improve your health. I will introduce you to the healthiest foods for you & provide additional methods to infuse your life with joyful satisfaction. You will learn how to nourish all aspects of your life.


I want to equip you with the self-awareness to make the best decisions for yourself in any given circumstance. I work with my clients to tune into their intuition and listen to their bodies because life happens & naturally needs change. I believe each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert, not by falling into the traps of the latest fad diet or media claim. Our partnership will give you the confidence to take take responsibility for your health. You will feel better than ever & be on the path to maintaining lifelong health. You will absolutely, thrive.


*Bio-IINdividuality, Integrative Nutrition, and Institute for Integrative Nutrition are trademarks owned by Integrative Nutrition Inc. **© 2005 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission) *** © 2007 Integrative Nutrition Inc. (used with permission)

Partnerships —

Ready to build a new relationship with health & feel better than ever? Partner with me today.

Free Initial Consultation

no commitments. no obligations. no pressure

30 minutes

3 or 6 Month Program

Toxic-Free Living & Detoxification

50 minutes — 12 sessions

Health Consultation

Personalized advice for you

75 minutes — 1 session